Explore the Unexplored | Bruizer




Create a film with a difference to announce the release of new antibodies.

How we achieved it

Using a high altitude weather balloon, we followed the journey of the antibodies from Abcam’s office in Cambridge, into the stratosphere at 33.5km high. Before launching, we had to ensure the rig was strong enough to carry the cameras, weather-proofed against the freezing temperatures and with a radio tracker secured so we could locate it once landed! In post-production, graphics were added to complement the film as well as a countdown to build tension before the balloon launched.




The Port of Britain

The Port of Britain Port of Felixstowe

Innovating Together

Innovating Together CPI

Innovation Community

Innovation Community Surrey Research Park

Skills Gaps

Skills Gaps AWE

The Water Technician

The Water Technician BUUK

Greenhouse to Flavour

Greenhouse to Flavour Omega Ingredients

Want to make a film like this? Tell us about it here

    Tell us all about your project. If it’s too much to write, we’re happy to talk, meet up, exchange emails - whatever works for you!