Azpects Socials | Bruizer




Build a bank of social media content for Azpects, to promote their products throughout the year.

How we achieved it

We filmed in the Bruizer studio, with varying props, products and colourama backgrounds to produce a vibrant social calendar. For Christmas, Valentine’s Day and various sporting events, we created themed final shots to take Azpects through the year and, for the front end, captured satisfying slow-mos of the product being applied.


Comic Relief Gladiators|Social

Comic Relief Gladiators|Social BBC

Syfa Prototype|Social

Syfa Prototype|Social Syfa

TK Clothing Promo

TK Clothing Promo TK Hockey

Through The Seasons

Through The Seasons Hunter

Passiv Heat Pump Promo

Passiv Heat Pump Promo BUUK

Ultimate Performance

Ultimate Performance TK

Want to make a film like this? Tell us about it here

    Tell us all about your project. If it’s too much to write, we’re happy to talk, meet up, exchange emails - whatever works for you!