Open University - 360 Religious Heritage | Bruizer
360° Religious Heritage, a video by Bruizer Video & Film Agency for Open University




The Open University wanted to produce a range of learning resources about seven of London’s principal religious buildings, so we worked with them on a 360° video concept.

How we achieved it

We interviewed someone from each organisation to produce an informational voice over, which accompanies the viewer’s exploration of each room. We built a roving rig for the 360° camera for horizontal tracking shots, and used our motorised Ditto slider for the vertical ones. We then built an interactive wrapper for the website, which allows the viewer to explore each building. Watch a cutdown edit of the seven films above, and view the full films here.


Morabe Rural Music|Parents and Community

Morabe Rural Music|Parents and Community Morabe Rural Music


BoobyBiome CPI

The Library

The Library Magdalene College

Milan University Success

Milan University Success AVEVA

Congregation Information

Congregation Information Durham University


Unmasked University of Suffolk

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